Job Scheduling & Dispatching

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Job Scheduling & Dispatching

WEBFLEET Wednesday!

The 6 point plan to schedule your jobs better

  1. The challenge of scheduling

The challenge for most organisations out there is how to streamline processes. You need to reduce cost but still be as effective as a business to keep customers.  Despite exponential growth in technology there are still lots of organisations that do manual job management.  “The WEBFLEET Way” looks at how technology can take the strain and help.

2. Your competition has job scheduling

One example is a business who had all the Team come into the office first thing each morning to be told what the first job was.  Using WEBFLEET they now schedule and send the jobs electronically to the driver’s in-cab device, so they go directly to the first job location.  This has saved up to two hours per driver each day as well as significant mileage saving.  An extra job per driver to be completed every day means a healthy bottom line.

The world is changing fast.  Big will not beat small anymore.  It will be the fast beating the slow.

Rupert Murdoch.

3. Automation isn’t just for IT

Some forward-thinking companies are looking beyond simple scheduling. They are integrating the job scheduling platforms they already use with WEBFLEET. For instance, you can connect to Microsoft Dynamics.  The integration with WEBFLEET enables them to avoid paper and send the jobs directly to the drivers.

WEBFLEET comes with a free to use API (Application Protocol Interface) allowing any software to connect directly to push or pull data.  Job scheduling tools eliminate the need for manual job allocation. This reduces  delays and gives  Transport Managers more time to spend on other projects.

4. Everything is required to be faster

Customers get unhappy when they have to wait for deliveries of jobs.  We live in a fast moving digital world where you can connect to your television instantly from your phone. You can pay for parking remotely and you can get shopping delivered without leaving the comfort of your own home.  Your business needs to be on the same exponential growth curve, or you will be left behind.

5. What savings could I achieve?

By digitising your job scheduling you could save money by improving:

  • Internal labour costs – less administration time through automation.
  • Mileage – less mileage as drivers go directly to the first job/delivery.
  • Extra Jobs – as a consequence this can provide an extra job/delivery pare day for each vehicle.
  • Debtor days – reduce debtor days through instant invoicing.
  • Cash Flow – increase cash flow through quicker payments.

6. If you don’t have automated scheduling, then use ours

We have developed a fully integrated job scheduling platform that sends jobs directly to WEBFLEET and to your drivers.  It will work out travel time and job time to make sure you allocate the correct amount of work for each driver.  You can even use the Order Optimisation tool from WEBFLEET to make sure they get done in the most efficient way.

What’s your plan for automating and streamlining your business?

Schedule a call with us to find out how automated job scheduling and dispatch could take YOU ahead of your competitors.