FUEL – Using Data to Turn Your Fleet Green!

How Many Days Does Your Business Lose to Traffic?
2nd August 2017
The Top 10 Risk Management KPIs
16th August 2017
How Many Days Does Your Business Lose to Traffic?
2nd August 2017
The Top 10 Risk Management KPIs
16th August 2017

FUEL – Using Data to Turn Your Fleet Green!

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint With the Help of FLEETiQ

In this blog on Fuel Management, we provide four case studies on how working with Vtec FLEETiQ has made a significant difference to the running costs and CO2 emissions for a number of businesses.

Case Study One – Reduce Fuel Consumption by 22% Using FLEETiQ

This client has 70 Transit vans operating across Scotland. This client knew their fuel bill was gradually increasing and wanted to identify how they could make changes to reduce it. The client used and acted upon the data provided by TomTom Telematics, and they were able to reduce fuel consumption by 22% .

Key factors like idling, driving behaviour and speeding were the KPI’s used to provide an initial swift impact. Speeding was endemic in the business and was quickly reduced to less than 1% of driving time. This client have gone on record to provide a case study of this achievement.

Case Study Two – Even Smaller Fleets Can Drastically Reduce Costs

This client, is a relatively small engineering company with a fleet of five vehicles. With proper controls over the fleet due to the data garnered by the telematics system they have achieved a FIVE FIGURE saving. Visibility of the vehicles made vehicle utilisation, job allocation and route optimisation much better. This grouped with improved overall driver behaviour has provided a significant saving to this company.

Meet Dave and see how much he saved, with a few simple tweaks…

Case Study Three – Data Rules the Road

This client, a delivery and distribution organisation with 35 Trucks and Vans in their fleet, had previously invested in a telematics system, however, the clarity required to improve fleet performance just wasn’t available and so they fell short in key data to make improvements. Utilising the data provide by Vtec FLEETiQ there has been an improvement in idle times alone which has provided a saving in excess of £1,000 per month. The next part of the process will be to identify route optimisation to increase the fuel savings already achieved.

Case Study Four – Efficiency & Performance

This client, a service based organisation with over 40 vehicles, used Vtec FLEETiQ to identify how efficient the various vehicles were performing. The results were to become part of a procurement process when the vehicles were due to be renewed. As part of the procurement process the new vehicles were purchased as they could provide a 25%+ improvement on miles per gallon that had already been proven through this Vtec FLEETiQ business case study.

Turn Your Fleet Greener With FLEETiQ

The above client case studies should hopefully provide a flavour of what Vtec FLEETiQ can offer and how telematics should provide more than just potential for savings. There has to be a return on investment and these case studies show that it can be achieved through UTILISING the Vtec FLEETiQ Roadmap.

For further information or to book your free demonstration, please get in contact with us.

Paul Cochrane
Paul Cochrane
Paul is the Managing Director of Vtec Solutions. He has expertise in vehicle tracking and fleet management, spanning over a decade and prides himself in understanding business fleet challenges and ensuring fleets are running at their optimum.