10 Important Reasons Why Your Fleet Needs a Dashcam

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10 Important Reasons Why Your Fleet Needs a Dashcam

vehicle dashcam vehicle CCTV

10 Important Reasons Why Your Fleet Needs a Dashcame

Incidents and Accidents on the Roads

We have a good road safety record here in the UK, but the statistics for death and injury on our roads still makes for sobering reading.

Over the past 5 years there have been between around 1700 to 1800 recorded deaths on British roads every single year. Levels of personal injury have, thankfully, fallen, but still stand at around 175,000 per year. That’s before you even begin to consider accidents which cause damage to vehicles but not people.

Of course, we all need to be alive to the fact that insurance fraud is an enormous challenge for drivers, fleet managers and insurance companies. In July 2017 the Association of British Insurers (ABI) reported that their members successfully defeated approximately 2,400 fraudulent claims every week, at an estimated value of £25 million per week.

With that in mind, we present to you 10 reasons why investing in dashcams and vehicle CCTV for your fleet could be an excellent idea.

They Give an Accurate Account of an Accident

If you’ve ever been in an accident, you’ll know that it can be hard to remember it accurately, even when it’s only just happened. If a claim ever goes to Court your driver could be asked about it up to five years after the fact – you can rely on a dashcam even when memory has faded.

They Help Defeat ‘Cash for Crash’ Claims

‘Cash for Crash’ claims are staged accidents where a driver might disable their brake lights or even claim for a crash where there hasn’t been any impact. A dashcam allows you to show that your driver wasn’t at fault.

You Can Monitor Driver Performance

If a reliable driver denies being at fault for an accident most employers will give them the benefit of the doubt. A dashcam allows you to collect the evidence to back them up.

They Can Improve Driver Performance

Some companies believe that the presence of a dashcam encourages their drivers to drive more safely. After all, who wants to take a risk when their boss could be watching?

You Can Collect Information, Even When the Vehicle is Parked

Some dashcams only operate when a vehicle is moving, but others can be used to monitor a vehicle when it’s parked. That could allow you to identify a vehicle that hit yours and drove off, or individuals involved in a break in.

A Dashcam Can Also Act as a Vehicle Tracker

If one of your drivers is ever involved in an accident or breakdown but doesn’t know their exact location, a dashcam can help you to find them.

You Can Collect Accurate Information About the People Involved in an Accident

It’s surprisingly common for insurers to admit liability for a crash that’s caused genuine injury, only to find themselves presented with three or four additional injury claims. A dashcam can play a part in identify who was in the other vehicle.

They Can Help Identify Witnesses

A lot of ‘Cash for Crash’ claims are supported by accounts from ‘independent’ witnesses. Often these are friends of the fraudster who weren’t there at the time. Dashcam footage could help to disprove their evidence.

You Can Save Money on Your Insurance

Some insurers will reduce your premium by between 10 and 15% where a dashcam has been installed.

They Could Help YOU Become a Witness

Dashcams don’t just record your accidents. They can also show other accidents or even erratic driving. Your footage could be a key piece of evidence in another claim.


Install a Vehicle Dashcam For Your Fleet With Vtec Solutions Today

At Vtec Solutions, we are the UK’s leading supplier of TomTom Telematics, Tracking, Tachograph and Fleet Efficiency. We offer market leading vehicle dashcam services which provide effective solutions for drivers, employers and insurance companies. With the help of our high resolution, 360 degree camera, we can help capture events which happen all around your fleet, whether you’re in the vehicle or not.

For further information on the benefits of what installing a vehicle dashcam could do for you, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us and we would be happy to discuss further.

Paul Cochrane
Paul Cochrane
Paul is the Managing Director of Vtec Solutions. He has expertise in vehicle tracking and fleet management, spanning over a decade and prides himself in understanding business fleet challenges and ensuring fleets are running at their optimum.